Healthy eating habits for cancer patients

Healthy eating habits for cancer patients Cancer treatment affects appetite, metabolism, and body weight. During treatment because of chemotherapy or other radiations, cancer patients undergo some side effects like- Diarrhea Constipation Fatigue Loss of taste Vomiting Nausea Under the doctor’s regular supervision and consultation, a cancer patient must eat an adequate and balanced diet. Should Eat:  Plenty of water (at least 2 liters daily) to avoid dehydration. Because a cancer patient is already undergoing som... Learn More

What is cancer?

What is cancer? Cancer is a disease in which the body's cells grow uncontrollably and unconditionally. It may start anywhere in the body. It may begin in a cell/tissue or body part and remain in that specific region or spread to the surroundings or remote parts of the body.Generally, normal cells die after a certain period or because of any damage to it. This process repeats, and new cells take their places. However, in cancer, cells start to grow uncountable through cell division, and they do not die after a c... Learn More

Prevention is power; stop cancer before it starts

Prevention is power; stop cancer before it starts Today is World Cancer Day. Every February 4 is observed as World Cancer Day. This initiative was taken and led by the Union for International Cancer Control, a Geneva-based NGO that unites and supports the cancer community across the world. This day aims to spread awareness and reduce the consequences of this life-threatening disease.Cancer is a leading cause of death globally. This year, World Cancer Day's theme is “United by Unique”. This theme promotes the individuality of ea... Learn More

Childhood cancer

Childhood cancer Cancer can be diagnosed at any age. It’s upsetting for all patients, but if the patient is a child, sorrow knows no bounds. Cancer spoils a child’s childhood and brings lots of life changes. The cancers that are common in children are different from adult cancers.  What will happen to my child? How will my child cope with the pain and suffering of cancer? Will my child be cured? How should I treat my child? These are very common thoughts that come to parents' minds. Wh... Learn More

Effective Pain Management in Cancer Patients

Effective Pain Management in Cancer Patients Pain is a common experience for many cancer patients, ranging from mild to severe. It could be for a short time or long-lasting. The pain can range from mild to unbearable. Pain may also persist after recovery for some individuals. Cancer pain is a result of the effects of cancer on the body. When a tumor presses on nerves or body organs, or a cancer cell invades bone, cancer pain occurs in a patient. The pain varies from mild to severe based on the area of the body. A small tumor near a nerve i... Learn More