Do you know the different types of cancer?

Do you know the different types of cancer? Cancer is a bunch of conditions that cause abnormal cell growth and proliferation in the body. Cancer can be classified based on the type of tissue or fluid it originates from, or by the initial site of development within the body. There are five general categories of cancer:Carcinoma:We may call carcinoma as “The Sneaky Cancer”. Carcinomas make up 80-90% of cancer cases. They can affect organs and glands, and come in two types: adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.Sarcoma:This can be... Learn More

Is melanoma a serious form of cancer?

Is melanoma a serious form of cancer? Do you know that melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer?  It may only account for 1% of all skin cancers, but it's responsible for the majority of skin cancer-related deaths. It can develop from existing moles or start in normal-looking skin, making it crucial to stay vigilant for any changes in your skin and seek prompt treatment. The good news is that early detection leads to a very high cure rate of 99%. Melanoma's prevalence has been on the rise, especially among people under... Learn More

What factors contribute to the prevalence of cancer today?

What factors contribute to the prevalence of cancer today? Cancer is a distressing reality that has affected many individuals and families across the globe. It's a disease that's incredibly complex and mysterious, and despite all the progress made in modern medicine, its prevalence keeps rising. "Why?" is a complex question that needs a comprehensive approach.   Lifestyle Changes: Do you know that our modern lifestyle has become increasingly sedentary? With the rise of poor dietary choices and increased exposure to toxins, we are now more pron... Learn More

Transformations in Relationships with Cancer Patients

Transformations in Relationships with Cancer Patients When you become sick, especially if it's cancer, you start to think about how the people around you - your spouse, family members, children, friends, and relatives - will react. After being diagnosed with cancer, your relationships may change, and it can be a complex and emotional experience. In this article, you will learn how relationships change with a cancer patient, and many cancer patients may relate to these things during their journey. Effects on spouse:The effects on a spouse vary fro... Learn More

Why would you need to undergo a mammography?

Why would you need to undergo a mammography? Do you know that mammography is one of the most common and effective ways to screen for breast cancer? It's a simple procedure that involves taking an x-ray of your breast tissue, and it can help detect any potential issues early on. So if you're due for a check-up, don't forget to ask your doctor about getting a mammogram!Who should get the mammography test?Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in the world, and it is found in women aged 40 and over, with a higher... Learn More