Published : 04 Sep 2024, 23:36

Transformations in Relationships with Cancer Patients

When you become sick, especially if it's cancer, you start to think about how the people around you - your spouse, family members, children, friends, and relatives - will react. After being diagnosed with cancer, your relationships may change, and it can be a complex and emotional experience.

In this article, you will learn how relationships change with a cancer patient, and many cancer patients may relate to these things during their journey.

Effects on spouse:
The effects on a spouse vary from person to person. It may either strengthen or worsen the bond between them. The relationship between a husband and wife may experience ups and downs in terms of their responsibilities, roles, needs (physical and emotional), intimacy, and sex, and also their plans.

In most families, each person has specific daily duties. Cancer weakens the human body and often makes patients unable to do regular activities. The other partner usually takes over those responsibilities, and in some cases, works extra hours in the workplace to balance the financial state.

Due to cancer, a person who has always been a caregiver or a dependable person to a family member becomes a dependent person, and a person who never did this before tries hard to be a caregiver.

Needs (physical and emotional):
Cancer and its treatment affect a patient's appetite and energy level, and cancer patients must express their needs to their partners; otherwise, it may create confusion and misunderstanding. After the cancer diagnosis, feelings of sadness, hopelessness, anxiety, fear, and anger are common for both partners. These feelings change frequently, and people should take care to ensure that both partners still feel as loved as before.

Intimacy and sex:
Cancer and its treatment have a significant impact on sexual life. Nausea, fatigue, depression, erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, weakness, and physical and emotional changes affect intimacy. It may lower sexual desire or make it difficult.

All of a sudden, the cancer diagnosis of your partner shatters your hopes and dreams.

Effects on children:

As a parent, you may not want to share your cancer news with your children. However, children, even very young ones, can sense that something is happening to them that is not right. They may overhear conversations from family members, which can put them in fear, confusion, and mixed feelings. It is essential to talk with them directly about the topic, make them understand, and tell them that the situation may worsen to any extent.

Effects on friends and other family members:
Relationships with friends and family members change according to their closeness. Some people will stay beside you, while others may distance themselves for unknown reasons. You may get tired of answering the same questions about your cancer to all these people. Request a trusted family member to share your medical status with them. Some people may avoid you because they don't know what to say. Some may be afraid that you are a cancer patient, and others may avoid you because your cancer journey reminds them about their lost beloved ones who passed away from cancer. Some people will take care of you, assuming that they must show love and affection. Some will try to make you happy and smile at any cost, while others will encourage you.

Fighting Cancer Desk
Fighting Cancer Desk