Published : 05 Jun 2024, 15:30

The incidence of cancer patients in Bangladesh is rising at an alarming rate.

The incidence of cancer in Bangladesh has been increasing rapidly with each passing year. Lung, cervical, and breast cancers are the most common types of cancer accounting for almost 38% of all cancers in the country.

Tobacco use is the leading cause of cancer in both males and females, followed by the regular consumption of certain foods that contribute to oral, stomach, esophagus, liver, and breast cancer.

The most popular foods among the Bangladeshi people are rice, fish, red meat, and dried fish (sutki). One of the root causes of cancer is food adulteration.

High rates of cancer can be attributed to several factors, including poor healthcare, illiteracy, poverty, lack of awareness, and inadequate diagnostic procedures. Detecting cancer is a challenging task.

Cervical cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, followed by breast cancer. Having more sexual partners, age, childhood marriage, lack of sexual hygiene, and virus infection are the most common causes in less-developed countries, especially Bangladesh.

The government should implement policies and educate people to prevent the spread of this deadly disease.

Fighting Cancer Desk
Fighting Cancer Desk