Head and neck cancers are the eighth most common cancers in the world. Head and neck cancers are more common in individuals over 40 years of age. Men are at a higher risk of developing head and neck cancer due to their higher rates of smoking and drinking.
Head and neck cancers occur in different parts of the head or neck, including the mouth, throat, nasal cavity, sinuses, salivary glands, and lymph nodes.
The use of tobacco is highly responsible for causing head and neck cancer. The tobacco products can be smoked (cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes) or smokeless (chewing tobacco). These products contain carcinogens which lead to cancer.
Smokes increase the chances of developing head and neck squamous cell carcinoma twice. Secondhand smoking also increases the risk of developing these cancers.
The patients diagnosed with head and neck cancer, if continue smoking will worsen the treatment results and slow down the recovery process. Not only this, it will also reduce the survival rates and increase the possibility of recurrence.
Another major cause of head and neck cancer is alcohol. It causes the cancers of mouth, larynx, and throat. Drinking three to four standard alcoholic drinks daily increases the risk of developing cancer threefold compared to non-drinkers.
The people who both smoke and drink, have the highest risk of developing head and neck cancers. It accounts for almost 75% of oral cancer cases in Europe. Long-term and heavy alcohol consumption increases the risk of mouth and throat cancers.
How to prevent smoking and drinking?
Quitting is not easy, it’s challenging. But we can try some alternative supports to avoid smoking like-
- Counselling
- Face-to-face
- Hotlines
- Websites
- Apps
- Nicotine replacement therapies
- Patches
- Medications
- Varenicline
- Bupropion
It is suggested to reduce alcohol intake. According to Perlmutter Cancer Center, it is recommended to take not more than two drinks per day for men and one for women.
We need to consult with doctors before adopting any of these preventive measures. We should discuss the possible effects and side effects of these steps.