Published : 09 Oct 2021, 21:50

Cancer Treatment: Today & Tomorrow

“Cancer” is an incurable disease. We are more or less quite familiar with this perception. If cancer is diagnosed at early stages or at the right time, it may be neither incurable nor fatal. Hence, modern medical science is very reluctant to accept the statement “Cancer is incurable”.

At present, various cancers are curable with treatment. Because of continuous research-based results, cancer patients can see a new hope of life and that they can come back to their healthy life.

Now Bangladesh has advanced a lot in cancer treatment. In this regard, the renowned experts of our country contributed significantly. Besides this, the pharmaceuticals company contributed greatly by promoting various effective drugs at low cost. 

According to experts, now there are numerous private hospitals besides government hospitals. In Bangladesh, the number of young patients increased, and among them, 50% of patients are below 50 years, which is alarming to us. In our country, more advanced technologies are required to diagnose cancer and also cancer specialists. In Bangladesh, the insufficiency of qualified doctors to treat cancer patients is quite noticeable. We need to ensure the availability of anti-cancer drugs. Cancer treatment is quite expensive. That’s why we need to put importance on this issue. The good thing is that now cancer treatment has advanced a lot than previous and there is a facility to get world-class cancer treatment. 

After a diagnosis of cancer, three types of treatments may, in general, be required - surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. There are other types of therapy, and some of the modern medical equipment is available in Bangladesh.

Dr. Arunangshu Das, a Senior Oncologist at the Square Hospital, said, “At present, we are no longer dependent on import of chemotherapeutic drugs; instead, these drugs are being manufactured and exported from our country.” The advancement of cancer treatment in Bangladesh is quite noticeable than past 12 years”. 

Now, chemotherapy is used as a cancer treatment, and there are some side effects of it, more or less on the body. With this at present, some new treatment methods are used to treat cancer.

A Bangladeshi engineer based in the United States, named Sougoto Sarkar Hillol, is researching a treatment method of using chemotherapy without damaging the healthy cells (only cancer-affected parts can be destroyed permanently). The physicians hope that carbon nanotubes in cancer therapy will contribute a lot to cancer treatment. The effect of advanced research and the development of medical science will reduce the risk of cancer treatment in the near future.

Fighting Cancer Desk
Fighting Cancer Desk